Committee of Adjustment Hearing Agenda

Meeting #:
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers

The applicant proposes to sever a parcel of land containing a surplus farm dwelling. The proposed severed lands are approximately 0.44ha (1.09 acres) in size, with a frontage of 54 meters (177.2 feet) on Singer Road. Seneca Concession 2, Part Lot 17, Known Municipally as 424 Singer Road.

The applicant proposes to boundary adjust 403 Cross Street West to add to the adjacent lands to the west with the intentions of creating a viable parcel for future residential development. Plan 1700 Part Lot 1 West John Street, Reference Plan 18R1408 Part 2 Plus, Easement, Known Municipally as 403 Cross Street West, Dunnville

The applicant proposes to sever a parcel of land containing a surplus farm dwelling. The proposed surplus farm dwelling lot will have a frontage of approximately 36.7 meters (120 feet) on Concession 2 Road and an area of 0.33 hectares (0.81 acres). Seneca Concession 2, South East Stoney Creek Road Part Lot 9, Known Municipally as 1000 Concession 2 Road

The purpose of this Consent application is to sever a 4 hectare (9.9 acre) parcel of land within the Urban Area of Jarvis, to facilitate the future location of the Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice. Walpole Concession 8, Part Lot 6, No Municipal Address, Jarvis

The applicant proposes to sever the subject lands, which currently contain a recently constructed semi-detached dwelling. The severance will facilitate each of the two (2) semi-detached dwelling units to be independently located on separate lots. . The subject lands, which previously had frontage on Tuscarora street prior to the semi-detached dwellings being constructed, will result in the two (2) lots, each containing a semi-detached dwelling unit, with direct frontage on Victoria Street. The subject lands are zoned ‘Urban Residential Type 3 “(R3)”’, which permits a semi-detached dwelling. Hagersville Plan 905, Block 28, Lot 4, Known Municipally as 19 Victoria Street

Applications to facilitate the creation of two (2) new lots and the retention of one (1) lot for future residential use. The retained lot, Part 1, will contain an area of 0.08 hectares (0.20 acres) with a lot frontage of approximately 15.50 metres (50.9 feet). The severed lots, Part 2 and Part 3, will contain areas of 0.05 hectares (0.12 acres) and 0.46 hectares (1.14 acres), respectfully, with lot frontages of 10 metres (32.8 feet) and 90.79 metres (297.9 feet). Lot 6 N/S Princess Street, Village of Cayuga East of Grand River Lot 7 N/S Princess Street, Village of Cayuga, East of Grand River; Part Lot 8 N/S Princess Street, Village of Cayuga, East of Grand River; Part Lot 9 N/S Princess Street, Village of Cayuga, East of Grand River, Part 1, 18R5797 Except Part 1 18R6142; Haldimand County (No Municipal Address)

Relief is requested from the ‘Agriculture “(A)”’ Zone with site-specific provisions, pursuant to Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020, to grant relief of the building height, maximum gross floor area, and minimum parking spaces. This application is to address a revised Site Plan application for a proposed Cold Storage Facility, which is being reviewed under separate cover (application number PLSP-HA-2023-115). Walpole Concession 7, Part Lot 7, Known Municipally as 1350 Haldimand Road 55.

The applicant proposes to adjust a lot line (i.e., boundary adjustment) of the subject lands, which are to be severed and added to the adjacent benefitting lands to the northeast. The purpose and intent of the boundary adjustment is to allow the applicant to remove the single residential dwelling and accessory building from the subject lands, with the remainder of the subject lands which are actively farmed to be added to the adjacent agricultural lands. The boundary adjustment will essentially result in a surplus farm dwelling lot, and a larger agricultural parcel, all of which will continue to maintain frontage and direct access to Diltz Road. Moulton Concession 1, Canborough Part Lot 6, Reference Plan 19R6738 Parts 1 and 2, Known Municipally as 398 Diltz Road.

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