THAT Report LSS-09-2024 Unsolicited Offer to Purchase Property – Part of the Closed Road – Victoria Street, Cayuga be received;
AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, which was previously stopped up and closed by By-Law 242, reconfirmed through By-law 1305/12, shown in orange (Parcel A) on Attachment 1, and legally described as part of PIN 38232-0160 (LT); Victoria Street Village of Cayuga East of Grand River Between Thorburn Street and Fishcarrier Street; Haldimand County, be sold to Tienna Dianne Nagel, Andrew Thomas Burns and Michelle Lynn Klein, for the purchase price of $7,500, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;
AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, as legally described above, shown in yellow (Parcel B) on Attachment 1, be sold to Joshua and Marion Camblin, for the purchase price of $3,000, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;
AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, as legally described above, shown in purple (Parcel C) on Attachment 1, be sold to Danneia & Jordana Oshana, for the purchase price of $1,700, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;
AND THAT public notice of the proposed conveyance be given;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary documents;
AND THAT a by-law be presented for enactment to authorize the conveyance at a future Council meeting.