Meeting #:
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers

Councillor Patterson - Chair

  • THAT Report PDD-27-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit a 7-Lot Draft Plan of Subdivision, Selkirk be received;

    AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-132 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020, to rezone the subject lands from “Hamlet Residential” (RH) zone to “Hamlet Residential” (RH-H) with special exceptions and a Holding (H) provision, be approved for the reasons outlined in Report PDD-27-2024;

    AND THAT the application is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement 2024, conforms to the Haldimand County Official Plan, and has sufficient regard for matters of provincial interest under the Planning Act, 1990;

    AND THAT each of the Holding “H” provisions shall be removed, by the General Manager of Community & Development Services once the County is satisfied that the proponent has met the conditions for the removal of the Holding provision;

    AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-27-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

  • THAT Report CEC-04-2024 Respectful Conduct Policy be received;

    AND THAT the Respectful Conduct Policy, as presented as Attachment 1 to Report CEC-04-2024, be approved;

    AND THAT the Service Restriction and Trespass Procedures, as presented as Attachment 2 to Report CEC-04-2024, be approved;

    AND THAT the Senior Management Team be given the authority to revise and update the Service Restriction and Trespass Procedures as necessary.

  • THAT Report CLE-16-2024 Council Code of Conduct be received;

    THAT Council rescind Policy 2008-02 Council Code of Conduct;

    AND THAT the updated Code of Conduct for Members of Council, attached to Report CLE-16-2024, be approved.

  • THAT Report HRD-07-2024 Employee Code of Conduct be received;

    AND THAT Council rescind the Code of Conduct Policy No. 2001-06, the Dress Code Policy No. 2001-17 and the Employee Code of Conduct Policy No. 2001-19;

    AND THAT the updated Employee Code of Conduct as outlined in Attachment 1 to Report HRD-07-2024 be approved.

Councillor Lawrence - Chair

  • THAT Report CDP-23-2024 Live Streaming of Junior and Seniors Games in Arenas be received;

    AND THAT live streaming of junior and senior games/special events at Haldimand County arenas, as mandated by the related leagues/associations, including local clubs/teams entering into agreements with third-party providers, be supported;

    AND THAT a future staff report be prepared, for Council consideration for the 2025-2026 ice season, associated with expanding live streaming opportunities to minor sports associations and other ice users.

  • THAT Report EMS-05-2025 Renewal of 911 Central Emergency Reporting Bureau Agreement be received;

    AND THAT the agreement, as attached to Report EMS-05-2025 to provide management and operation of a 911 Central Emergency Reporting Bureau be entered into with the Ontario Provincial Police for a term of five years, ending December 31, 2029, with an option to renew for a further five years under the same terms and conditions be approved;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all the necessary documents relating to an agreement;

    AND THAT the by-law attached to Report EMS-05-2025 be approved at a future Council meeting.

Councillor Trainer - Chair

  • THAT Report FPC-05-2024 Cemetery By-law Update be received;

    AND THAT the draft Cemetery By-law as attached to Report FPC-05-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting;

    AND THAT Haldimand County Cemetery By-law No.1501/15 be repealed;

    AND THAT the User Fee By-law No. 2560/24 be amended to reflect the new and revised user fees as outlined in Report FPC-05-2024 and approved at a future Council meeting.

Councillor Metcalfe - Chair

  • THAT Report FCA-05-2024 Climate Change Adaptation Plan - Grant Funding Application be received;

    AND THAT a funding application request for external consulting services to create a Climate Change Adaption Plan that meets the requirements of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation funding initiative be approved;

    AND THAT Council directs staff to apply for a funding opportunity from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation initiative for the Climate Change Adaptation Plan.

Councillor O'Neill - Chair

  • THAT Report FIN-18-2024 Applications for Assessment and Tax Adjustments - Sections 357, 358, 359 Municipal Act as of October 2024 be received;

    AND THAT adjustments of taxes, in accordance with Sections 357, 358 and 359 of the Municipal Act, be approved in the amount of $16,159.75 as detailed in Attachment 1 to Report FIN-18-2024.

Councillor Shirton - Chair

  • THAT Report LSS-09-2024 Unsolicited Offer to Purchase Property – Part of the Closed Road – Victoria Street, Cayuga be received;

    AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, which was previously stopped up and closed by By-Law 242, reconfirmed through By-law 1305/12, shown in orange (Parcel A) on Attachment 1, and legally described as part of PIN 38232-0160 (LT); Victoria Street Village of Cayuga East of Grand River Between Thorburn Street and Fishcarrier Street; Haldimand County, be sold to Tienna Dianne Nagel, Andrew Thomas Burns and Michelle Lynn Klein, for the purchase price of $7,500, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;

    AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, as legally described above, shown in yellow (Parcel B) on Attachment 1, be sold to Joshua and Marion Camblin, for the purchase price of $3,000, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;

    AND THAT the surplus property formally known as part of Victoria Street, Cayuga, as legally described above, shown in purple (Parcel C) on Attachment 1, be sold to Danneia & Jordana Oshana, for the purchase price of $1,700, plus HST plus costs of conveyance inclusive of Haldimand County’s legal fees;

    AND THAT public notice of the proposed conveyance be given;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary documents;

    AND THAT a by-law be presented for enactment to authorize the conveyance at a future Council meeting.

  • THAT Report LSS-15-2024 Road Closure and Conveyance between Concession 3 and 4, South of Talbot Road, Dunnville, be received;

    AND THAT the subject road allowance, as illustrated in Attachment 1 to LSS-15-2024 and legally described as Part of PIN 38238-0118 Firstly; Road Allowance Between Concession 3 and Concession 4 South Talbot Road North Cayuga; Road Allowance Between Lot 6 and Lot 7 Concession 3 South Talbot Road North Cayuga; Road Allowance Between Lot 12 and Lot 13 Concession 3 South Talbot Rd North Cayuga Secondly; Part South Lot 6-7 Concession 3 North Cayuga; Part South 1/2 Lot 8-10 Concession 3 North Cayuga; Part South Part Lot 11-13 Concession 3 North Cayuga As In HC40754, HC40737, HC40312, HC40249, Part 3 18R5213 & Travelled Rd Being River Road Between Road Allowance Between Township of Canborough & Township of North Cayuga & Sly Production of West Limit of Part 3 HC63792; Subject to NC7375; Haldimand County, herein “Road Allowance” be stopped up, closed and declared surplus to all County needs;

    AND THAT the subject “Road Allowance”, as illustrated i Attachment 1 to LSS-15-2024 as described above and further to be described subject to a Reference Plan being deposited with the Land Registry Office and a new unique PIN being created, be sold to the abutting landowners, Kenneth & Nancy Margaret Zantingh for a purchase price of $31,656 plus HST, plus costs of the closure and conveyance for all parties;

    AND THAT said conveyance be conditional upon an easement being registered in Hydro One’s favour for maintenance and/or replacement of aerial overhead conductors and poles, if required;

    AND THAT public notice of the proposed closure and conveyance be given;

    AND THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the closure and conveyance at a future Council meeting;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary documents.

  • THAT Report LSS-16-2024 General Insurance Program be received;

    AND THAT the 2025 insurance policies proposed by Marsh Canada Limited and Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited at a cost of $979,749 inclusive of applicable taxes, representing approximately a 4% increase from 2024 insurance premiums, be approved as follows:

    1. General Insurance Program including general liability, umbrella liability, medical malpractice liability, environmental impairment liability, crime, automobile, property insurance, municipal volunteers’ accident, and cyber coverage;
    2. Closed Landfill Policy be renewed, and cost-shared with Norfolk County as joint owners;
    3. Community Hall Boards Liability policy be renewed with a $5,000,000 liability limit, an increase from the $2,000,000 liability limit;
    4. Property & Equipment Breakdown policy be renewed with a $100,000 deductible, an increase from the $50,000 deductible;

    AND THAT authority be delegated to the General Manager, Corporate & Support Services to renew the Recreation Affiliates policy based on the estimated premium provided by Marsh Canada Limited and Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited to an upset limit of $3,200, inclusive of taxes representing a maximum increase of $533 over 2024 insurance premiums;

    AND THAT the Recreation Affiliates Policy, once renewed, maintain affiliate contributions to this policy premium capped at the amount of $550 each;

    AND THAT authority be delegated to the Manager, Legal & Support Services to approve events to be covered by the Special Events Policy, provided the events meet the Council approved criteria, previously approved in report CS-SS-17-2013;

    AND THAT staff report back to Council if there are any significant policy changes for 2025 at the discretion of the General Manager, Corporate and Social Services.

Mayor Bentley - Chair

  • THAT pursuant to Section 239 (2)(d) of the Municipal Act, as amended, Council convene in a meeting at ______ p.m. closed to the public, to discuss:

Report HRD-08-2024 of the General Manager, Corporate & Social Services with respect to OPSEU Bargaining Parameters


Section 239 (2)(d) Labour relations or employee negotiations

  • THAT this meeting is now adjourned at ___________ p.m.

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