Meeting #:
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers
Council Present
  • S. Bentley, Mayor
  • S. Patterson, Councillor
  • D. Lawrence, Councillor
  • R. Shirton, Councillor
  • P. O'Neill, Councillor
Staff Present
  • C. Case, Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Evers, General Manager, Community & Development Services
  • K. Franklin, Acting General Manager, Engineering & Capital Works
  • D. McKinnon, General Manager, Public Works Operations
  • M. Andrews, Senior Planner
  • J. Gallagher, Manager, Emergency Services/Fire Chief
  • S. Sawyer, Senior Community Partnership Liaison
  • S. Van Dalen, Manager, Planning & Development
  • C. Curtis, Municipal Clerk

Mayor Bentley called the Council in Committee meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Councillor Lawrence read the Land Acknowledgement statement.

The Mayor and all Members of Council were in attendance except Councillor Metcalfe and Councillor Trainer.

Councillor Patterson, Chair of Public Meeting for Planning Applications, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Prior to commencing the public meeting, the Chair explained the meeting, delegation and appeal process. He noted that decisions made by Committee at this meeting would be given final consideration at the September 23, 2024 Council meeting.

M. Andrews, Senior Planner, presented the report.

Council asked questions and received answers from staff regarding:

  • Public feedback regarding the proposal; and
  • Whether the amount of parking was adequate.

R. Winegard, applicant, spoke to the proposal including plans to replant trees, address potential excess lighting, and the provision of through access to a neighbouring property. Council asked questions and received answers as to whether the development was intended to be rentals or condominiums, and the potential to make changes to visitor parking.

B. Flewwelling, Development Planning Manager, GSP Group Inc., agent for the applicant, provided an overview of the planned project.

S. White, present on behalf of a group of residents in the neighbourhood, spoke to concerns about the development including:

  • Safety concerns for pedestrians due to lack of sidewalks;
  • Poor sightlines for road traffic;
  • Heavy traffic from nearby schools and parks;
  • Potential insufficiencies with utilities and infrastructure;
  • Concern with potential for increased crime due to increased local population;
  • Effect on property values of surrounding residential properties; and
  • Potential pressure on the applicant to increase the proposed scope of the development.

Council asked questions and received answers regarding the current status of the water and sewer infrastructure in the area.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation.

  • Recommendation1
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill

    THAT Report PDD-16-2024 be referred to the October 8, 2024 Council in Committee meeting, to allow staff to respond to resident concerns.


Mayor Bentley resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.


Councillor Lawrence, Chair of Community and Development Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

  • Recommendation2
    Moved By:Councillor Patterson
    Seconded By:Mayor Bentley
    1. THAT Report CDP-16-2024 CPP Capital Grant – Fisherville Parks Committee Batting Cage Repair and Drainage Improvements be received;
    2. AND THAT the request from the Fisherville Parks Committee to repair the batting cage base and improve adjacent drainage at Fisherville Lions Park, with a projected budget of $40,250, be approved;
    3. AND THAT capital grant funding, to an upset amount of $14,000 to support the batting cage base repair and adjacent drainage improvement in Fisherville Lions Park, with related funding from the Community Partnership Capital Reserve, be approved;
    4. AND THAT project and funding approval are conditional upon compliance with Policy 2011-01 and County installation standards, permits, and processes;
    5. AND THAT the revised budget, as outlined in Report CDP-16-2024, be approved.
  • Recommendation3
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Mayor Bentley
    1. THAT Report CDP-17-2024 CPP Capital Grant – Fisherville Lions Park Benches be received;
    2. AND THAT the request from the Fisherville District Lions Club, to undertake the installation of eight (8) park benches in Fisherville Lions Park, with a projected budget of $18,700, be approved;
    3. AND THAT capital grant funding, to an upset amount of $6,545, to support the installation of park benches in Fisherville Lions Park, with related funding from the Community Partnership Capital Reserve, be approved;
    4. AND THAT project and funding approval are conditional upon compliance with Policy 2011-01 and County installation standards, permits, and processes;
    5. AND THAT the revised budget as outlined in Report CDP-17-2024 be approved.

S. Sawyer, Senior Community Partnership Liaison, responded to questions from Council regarding the volume of plumbing issues at the Fisherville Lions Community Centre.

  • Recommendation4
    Moved By:Councillor O'Neill
    Seconded By:Councillor Patterson

    THAT Memorandum CDP-M02-2024 Community Halls Emergency Repairs be received.


J. Gallagher, Manager, Emergency Services/Fire Chief responded to questions from Council regarding response times to sudden cardiac arrest; and factors used to determine when increases to service are required.

  • Recommendation5
    Moved By:Mayor Bentley
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton
    1. THAT Report EMS-03-2024 Ambulance Response Time Performance Plan - 2025 be received;
    2. AND THAT the 2025 Ambulance Response Time Performance Plan targets, included as Attachment 1 to Report EMS-03-2024, be adopted and submitted to the Ministry of Health, Emergency Health Services Director in accordance with the Ambulance Act, Ontario Regulation 267/08.

Councillor Patterson, Vice Chair of Public Works Operations, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Councillor Lawrence, Vice Chair of Engineering and Capital Works, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Councillor O'Neill, Chair of Financial and Data Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

  • Recommendation6
    Moved By:Councillor Patterson
    Seconded By:Mayor Bentley
    1. THAT Report FIN-15-2024 Applications for Assessment and Tax Adjustments - Sections 357, 358, 359 Municipal Act as of August 2024 be received;
    2. AND THAT adjustments of taxes, in accordance with Sections 357, 358 and 359 of the Municipal Act, be approved in the amount of $5,277 as detailed in Attachment 1 to Report FIN-15-2024.

Councillor Shirton, Chair of Corporate and Social Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Mayor Bentley, Chair of Corporate Affairs, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

  • Recommendation7
    Moved By:Councillor O'Neill
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton

    THAT Report CLE-13-2024 be deferred to the October 8, 2024 Council in Committee meeting.

  • Recommendation8
    Moved By:Councillor O'Neill
    Seconded By:Councillor Lawrence
    1. THAT Report CLE-14-2024 AMCTO Submission to the Province of Ontario – Modernizing the Municipal Elections Act for the 21st Century be received;
    2. AND THAT Haldimand County support the submission by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) entitled “Modernizing the Municipal Elections Act for the 21st Century”;
    3. AND THAT a request be sent to the Province of Ontario to update the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) with priority amendments as outlined by AMCTO before Summer 2025 and commence work to review and re-write the MEA with longer-term recommendations ahead of the 2030 elections.


The following items were highlighted:

  • Barbara Martindale Laneway dedication last Saturday in Caledonia;
  • The urgent need for installation of traffic control at the intersection of Haldibrook Road and Highway 6;
  • Request for a staff report regarding concerns with the tree planting program at Empire Corners;
  • Upcoming public consultations on developing an Arts and Culture policy; 
  • Updates on community response to changes in by-law staffing hours; 
  • Concerns about controlling Phragmites on County property; and
  • Dates for public consultations on Park and Recreation Strategy.
  • Recommendation9
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton

    THAT staff be directed to prepare a letter for Mayor Bentley to send to the Ministry of Transportation regarding the urgency of the planned installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Haldibrook Road and Highway 6.

  • Recommendation10
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Lawrence

    THAT staff be directed to report back to a future Council in Committee meeting on tree planting at Empire Corners.

  • Recommendation11
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill

    THAT this meeting is now adjourned at 10:53 a.m.

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