Meeting #:
Day 1 - Haldimand County Administration Building
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers
Council Present
  • S. Bentley, Mayor
  • S. Patterson, Councillor
  • J. Metcalfe, Councillor
  • D. Lawrence, Councillor
  • M. Trainer, Councillor
  • R. Shirton, Councillor
  • P. O'Neill, Councillor
Staff Present
  • C. Case, Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Evers, General Manager, Community & Development Services
  • T. Haedrich, General Manager, Engineering & Capital Works
  • M. Jamieson, General Manager, Corporate & Social Services
  • D. McKinnon, General Manager, Public Works Operations
  • M. Merritt, General Manager, Financial & Data Services
  • M. Andrews, Senior Planner
  • K. Schmitz, Manager, Community Development & Partnerships
  • C. Tang, Planner
  • S. Van Dalen, Manager, Planning & Development
  • C. Curtis, Municipal Clerk

Mayor Bentley called the Council in Committee meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Councillor Trainer read the Land Acknowledgement statement.

The Mayor and all Members of Council were in attendance. Councillor Patterson participated electronically.

Councillor O’Neill joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m.

Mayor Bentley, Vice Chair of Public Meeting for Planning Applications, remained the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Prior to commencing the public meeting, the Chair explained the meeting, delegation and appeal process. They noted that decisions made by Committee at this meeting would be given final consideration at the June 24, 2024 Council meeting.

  • Councillor Trainer declared a conflict on this item. (A relative is engaged to the granddaughter of the owners of the subject property.)

Councillor Trainer left the meeting at 9:35 a.m.

M. Andrews, Senior Planner, presented the report.

M. Baker, Planner, LandPro Planning Solutions Inc. spoke on behalf of the proponent and provided an overview of the application.

Council asked and received answers on the following:

  • What the need is for the additional attachment; and
  • Clarification on the secondary building relief of 500 square feet.

H. Mcdermott-Moerman, S. Stroud, G. Stroud, A. Fernie and J. Bird all spoke in opposition of the by-law amendment, citing the following concerns:

  • The original intent/nature of the neighbourhood;
  • Increased traffic/noise concerns;
  • Ongoing drainage issues;
  • Devaluation of the surrounding homes when there is a rental; and
  • The interpretation of the "places to grow" legislation.

D. Carter, the proponent, provided the rationale for the application.  

Council asked for clarification from staff on the following:

  • The intensification of "places to grow" in provincial policy in rural areas;
  • Whether secondary suite or accessory suites are legislated to be permitted in residential zones; 
  • What the uses and restrictions would be for the additional living space created by the planned addition;
  • Circumvention of existing by-laws by the applications; and
  • Process for what would occur next if the application is not approved by Council.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation1
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill
    1. THAT Report PDD-13-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit an Additional Use of a Secondary Suite in the Existing Dwelling, be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-067, to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020, to rezoning 20 Featherstone Avenue, Rainham from ‘Lakeshore Residential (RL)’ Zone to ‘Lakeshore Residential (RL-H)’ Zone with Special Exception RL.10, with a Holding (H) Provision to permit the use of a secondary suite, be approved for the reasons outlined in Report PDD-13-2024;
    3. AND THAT the General Manager of Community & Development Services be authorized to remove the Holding (H) on the subject lands when all conditions have been satisfied;
    4. AND THAT the proposal is deemed to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) and the Haldimand County Official Plan;
    5. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-13-2024 be presented for enactment at a future Council meeting.

Councillor Trainer returned to the meeting at 10:46 a.m.

​C. Tang, Planner, presented the report. S. VanDalen, Manager, Planning & Development clarified that no changes have been made the the application since the previous Council in Committee meeting.

Council asked and received answers from staff on the following:

  • The proximity of other semi-detached residences to the existing application;
  • Drainage issues at the current site for abutting land owners; and
  • Vehicular site lines turning on to Caithness Street.

J. Creighton, the proponent, came to the podium and answered questions from Council regarding:

  • Whether they had discussed the application and plans with other residents; and
  • How long they had lived in the neighbourhood, and whether they plan to stay.

T. Martin spoke against the application, citing concerns with traffic and parking, and asked for clarification from staff on the amount of times the property could be severed. Council questioned them on whether they had conversed directly with the proponent regarding the application.

J. McLeod spoke in opposition to the due to rezoning, intensification, devaluing of property, and the amount of notice provided from the County. Staff provided clarification on the requirements for notice on this matter.

D. Plourde spoke in opposition the application as it could set a precedent for rezoning.

Council asked and received answers from staff regarding the zoning of nearby properties, including Lamb Court.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation2
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill
    1. THAT Report PDD-15-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit Rezoning From R1-A to R2, Caledonia be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2023-209 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020 to rezone the subject lands from the “Urban Residential Type 1-A (R1-A)” Zone to the “Urban Residential Type 2 (R2)” Zone with Holding “(H)” be approved for the reasons outlined in the Report PDD-04-2024;
    3. AND THAT the General Manager of Community & Development Services be authorized to remove the Holding (H) provision from the subject lands when requirements relating to the archaeological assessment, lot grading and drainage have been satisfied;
    4. AND THAT the application is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 and the Haldimand County Official Plan, and has sufficient regard for matters of provincial interest under the Planning Act, 1990;
    5. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-15-2024 be enacted at a future Council meeting.

M. Andrews, Senior Planner, presented the report.

A. Moote, Planner, LandPro Planning Solutions Inc. spoke on behalf of the proponent.

S. Moore, President and Chief Executive Officer, Edgewater Gardens responded to questions from Council regarding efforts made to include 431 Lock Street West as part of the expansion.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation3
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill
    1. THAT Report PDD-09-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Rezone the Subject Property to Facilitate the Expansion of Edgewater Gardens be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-030 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020 by rezoning 437 Lock Street, Dunnville from ‘Urban Residential Type 2 (R2)’ Zone to ‘Community Institutional – Holding (IC-H)’ Zone to permit the expansion of Edgewater Gardens Long-Term Care Facility in Dunnville, be approved for reasons outlined in Report PDD-09-2024;
    3. AND THAT the proposal is deemed to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) and the Haldimand County Official Plan;
    4. AND THAT the General Manager of Community & Development Services be authorized to remove the Holding (H) provision on all lands when all conditions have been satisfied;
    5. AND THAT the by-laws attached to Report PDD-09-2024 be presented for enactment at a future Council meeting.

S. Van Dalen, Manager, Planning & Development presented the report.

M. Baker, Planner, LandPro Planning Solutions Inc. spoke on behalf of the proponent and provided an overview of the application.

S. Chara, the proponent, spoke regarding the application.

Council asked and received answers from staff regarding whether municipal water would be provided to dwellings in the area.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation4
    Moved By:Councillor O'Neill
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton
    1. THAT Report PDD-12-2024 Zoning Amendment to an Industrial Zone with Relief of Municipal Services, Dunnville be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2022-091 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020 to rezone the subject lands from “Disposal Industrial (MD)” to “Light Industrial (ML)” with Special Exception ML.1 be approved for the reasons outlined in Report PDD-12-2024;
    3. AND THAT the application is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 and the Haldimand County Official Plan, and has sufficient regard for matters of Provincial interest under the Planning Act;
    4. AND THAT the by-laws attached to Report PDD-12-2024 be presented for enactment at a future Council meeting.

Mayor Bentley called for a recess at 12:03 p.m.

Councillor Patterson joined the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

  • Recommendation5
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill

    THAT the order of the agenda be amended to have Delegations and Considerations of Related Reports and Departmental Staff Reports as the next items on the agenda. 


M. LaForme, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, discussed consultation.

Council asked and received answers from M. LaForme on their consultations with Empire Homes

D. Kinnear, V. Huctwith, and P. Mousseau discussed their support for option 1 citing the following concerns:

  • Developing on farmland;
  • Lack of infrastructure including roads and family physicians; and
  • Proximity of the proposed community to heavy industry.

Council asked and received answers from staff on the following:

  • Why there was no option provided in the report to ask the province not to consider any MZO; and
  • Whether Townsend could be developed for housing.
  • (Vote on Option 1)

    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor Trainer
    1. THAT Report CDS-06-2024 Minister’s Zoning Order Framework – Implications and Options be received;
    2. AND THAT Option 1, as described in Report CDS-06-2024, be approved as the preferred path forward relative to the Nanticoke Minister’s Zoning Order request.
    For (3)Councillor Metcalfe, Mayor Bentley, and Councillor Trainer
    Against (4)Councillor Shirton, Councillor Patterson, Councillor Lawrence, and Councillor O'Neill
    DEFEATED (3 to 4)
  • (Vote on Option 3)

    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Patterson
    1. THAT Report CDS-06-2024 Minister’s Zoning Order Framework – Implications and Options be received;
    2. AND THAT Option 3, as described in Report CDS-06-2024, be approved as the preferred path forward relative to the Nanticoke Minister’s Zoning Order request.
    For (4)Councillor Shirton, Councillor Patterson, Councillor Lawrence, and Councillor O'Neill
    Against (3)Councillor Metcalfe, Mayor Bentley, and Councillor Trainer
    CARRIED (4 to 3)

Councillor Lawrence, Chair of Community and Development Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Council asked and received answers from staff as to whether representative of Cottonwood Mansion were in favour of the application.

  • Recommendation8
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton
    1. THAT Report CDP-07-2024 Heritage Property Alteration Request - Cottonwood Mansion be received;
    2. AND THAT the application for the proposed alterations to the heritage property known as Cottonwood Mansion located at 740 Haldimand Road 53, Selkirk, Ontario, be approved;
    3. AND THAT notice of Haldimand County’s decision be served on the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust.

Councillor Trainer, Chair of Public Works Operations, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

The Public Works Operations staff were commended for the roadside grass cutting.

Councillor Metcalfe, Chair of Engineering and Capital Works, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Council asked and were provided with an update from staff on the Hagersville Library and Active Living Centre, including information for tenders for construction.

Councillor O'Neill, Chair of Financial and Data Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Councillor Shirton, Chair of Corporate and Social Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Mayor Bentley, Chair of Corporate Affairs, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

The Mayor called a recess at 2:10 p.m.

K. Schmitz, Manager, Community Development & Partnerships introduced Steve Langlois, Principal Planner, Monteith Brown Planning Consultants who presented the report.

Council asked and received answers from S. Langlois on the following:

  • The number of independent arenas recommended in the 2006 report;
  • Whether the survey asked if residents would be willing to pay additional taxes for an indoor pool;
  • Whether population concentration or proximity to existing facilities was the main factor for proposed locations of indoor pools;
  • The tax impact for each resident to absorb, including how residents in Caledonia would be impacted;
  • Whether multi-use facilities provide more value to the taxpayer; 
  • Location and ownership of proposed land in Caledonia, and whether an environmental assessment has been conducted on land to be acquired;
  • Synergy opportunities between municipal governments and local school boards to reduce capital costs; and
  • Whether it is possible to enclose existing outdoor pools, including whether modifications or alterations could be made to new outdoor pools to prepare them for enclosure.
  • Recommendation9
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor O'Neill
    1. THAT Report CDP-08-2024 Community & Recreation Facilities Strategy – Presentation of Findings and Draft Recommendations by Monteith Brown Planning Consultants be received;
    2. AND THAT the next steps to finalize the Community & Recreation Facilities Strategy, as outlined in report CDP-08-2024, including soliciting public feedback to the draft Strategy throughout the summer and early fall, be approved.


The following items were highlighted:

  • Cooling stations have been made available across the County;
  • New air conditioners have been installed at Grandview Lodge; and
  • Staff were commended for their efforts in making the Dunnville Mudcat Festival a success.
  • Recommendation10
    Moved By:Councillor Trainer
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton

    THAT the delegations Re: CDS-06-2024 Minister's Zoning Order Framework - Implications and Options from the following individuals be received:

    • Mark LaForme, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
    • Darline Kinnear
    • Vivian Huctwith
    • Pat Mousseau
  • Recommendation11
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Trainer

    THAT this meeting is now adjourned at 3:29 p.m.

No Item Selected