Meeting #:
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers
Council Present
  • S. Bentley, Mayor
  • S. Patterson, Councillor
  • J. Metcalfe, Councillor
  • D. Lawrence, Councillor
  • R. Shirton, Councillor
  • P. O'Neill, Councillor (participated electronically)
Staff Present
  • C. Case, Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Evers, General Manager, Community & Development Services
  • T. Haedrich, General Manager, Engineering & Capital Works
  • M. Jamieson, General Manager, Corporate & Social Services
  • D. McKinnon, General Manager, Public Works Operations
  • M. Merritt, General Manager, Financial & Data Services
  • R. Charlton, Manager, Building & Municipal Enforcement Services
  • J. Douglas, Senior Planner
  • K. Franklin, Manager, Engineering Services
  • E. Haase, Project Manager, Communications
  • K. Meyer, Manager, Human Resources
  • A. Moore, Administrator, Grandview Lodge
  • S. Sawyer, Senior Community Partnership Liaison
  • C. Tang, Planner
  • S. Van Dalen, Manager, Planning & Development
  • J. Van Rooy, Project Manager, Municipal Drains
  • C. Curtis, Municipal Clerk

Mayor Bentley called the Council in Committee meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Mayor Bentley read the Land Acknowledgement statement.

The Mayor and all Members of Council except for Councillor Trainer were in attendance. Councillor O'Neill joined the meeting at 1:00 p.m. and participated electronically.

Councillor Patterson, Chair of Public Meeting for Planning Applications, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Prior to commencing the public meeting, the Chair explained the meeting, delegation and appeal process. He noted that decisions made by Committee at this meeting would be given final consideration at the October 15, 2024 Council meeting.

C. Tang, Planner, presented the report.

M. Jungas, applicant, spoke to concerns regarding drainage.

Council asked the applicant questions and received answers regarding the elevation of the property and the location of the driveway relative to the property line.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation1
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Councillor Lawrence
    1. THAT Report PDD-22-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit a Residential Dwelling as Condition of Consent, Dunnville, be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-144 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020 to rezone the subject lands from the “Agriculture (A)” Zone with special exception 37.4 to the “Lakeshore Residential (RL)” Zone with Holding “(H)” be approved for the reasons outlined in the Report PDD-22-2024;
    3. AND THAT the application is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 and the Haldimand County Official Plan, and has sufficient regard for matters of provincial interest under the Planning Act, 1990;
    4. AND THAT the General Manager of Community & Development Services be authorized to remove the Holding (H) provision on all lands when all conditions have been satisfied;
    5. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-22-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

J. Douglas, Senior Planner, presented the report.

Council asked questions and received answers regarding the height of the proposed structure.

J. Tomaino, Senior Planner, Upper Canada Consultants, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation2
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Lawrence
    1. THAT Report PDD-23-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit an Agricultural Feed Processing Facility – Armstrong Milling, Nelles Corners be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-100 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1-2020 to amend the current “Rural Industrial (MR)” zone and special expectations be approved for the reasons outlined in Report PDD-23-2024;
    3. AND THAT the application is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 and the Haldimand County Official Plan, and has sufficient regard for matters of provincial interest under the Planning Act, 1990;
    4. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-23-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

​J. Douglas, Senior Planner, presented the report.

There being no one present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation.

  • Recommendation3
    Moved By:Councillor Metcalfe
    Seconded By:Mayor Bentley
    1. THAT Report PDD-25-2024 Application for Rezoning as per Condition for Final Approval of Consent Application of PLB 2024-049 – Shirton Farms, Canborough be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-124 to amend Haldimand County Zoning By-law No. HC 1-2020 to recognize an oversized accessory building and prohibit future residential development and home occupation opportunities on the retained farm lands at 420 Moote Road, Canborough, be approved for reasons outlined in Report PDD-25-2024;
    3. AND THAT the proposal is deemed to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020;
    4. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-25-2024 be presented for enactment at a future Council meeting.

S. VanDalen, Manager, Planning & Development presented the report.

R. Winegard, applicant, spoke in favour of the proposed development.

S. White, resident, spoke on behalf of several local residents to concerns about the proposed development related to traffic, including sightlines for vehicles, and a lack of sidewalks. They requested consideration of traffic calming measures including speed limit reductions and speed bumps. 

B. Gripper, resident, discussed concerns regarding potential impact of the proposed development on existing water infrastructure. 

Staff clarified timelines and expectations on planned installation of sidewalks and other infrastructure improvements.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this application, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation.

  • Recommendation4
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor Shirton
    1. THAT Report PDD-26-2024 Zoning By-law Amendment to Rezone the Subject Lands to Permit a Four-Storey Apartment Building, Caledonia, be received;
    2. AND THAT application PLZ-HA-2024-069 to amend the Haldimand County Zoning By-law HC 1- 2020 by rezoning 80 Caithness Street West and 51 Shetland Street from ‘Urban Residential Type 2 “(R2)”’ Zone to ‘Urban Residential Type 5–Holding ”(R5-H)”’ Zone with site-specific provisions be approved for reasons outlined in Report PDD-26-2024;
    3. AND THAT the proposal is deemed to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020;
    4. AND THAT the General Manager of Community & Development Services be authorized to remove the Holding (H) provision on all lands when all conditions have been satisfied;
    5. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report PDD-26-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

Mayor Bentley resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Mayor Bentley requested that consent motion 2, ENG-12-2024 Parking Control By-law Amendment, Recreational Vehicles be moved to Departmental Staff Reports for discussion.

  • Recommendation5
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe

    THAT consent motions 1 and 3, as listed, be approved.

    1. THAT Report ENG-11-2024 Stop Sign Installations - Onondaga Street and Tuscarora Street at Winniett Street, Caledonia be received;
    2. AND THAT Stop Control be installed at Onondaga Steet at Winniett Street, Caledonia;
    3. AND THAT Stop Control be installed at Tuscarora Street at Winniett Street, Caledonia;
    4. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report ENG-11-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

Councillor Lawrence, Chair of Community and Development Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

S. Sawyer, Senior Community Partnership Liaison, provided an overview of the report.

Council asked questions and received answers from staff regarding the ownership status of the Dunnville Soccer Club.

  • Recommendation6
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe
    1. THAT Report CDP-19-2024 Fields & Parks Management Program Review and Funding Update be received;
    2. AND THAT the amendments to Policy 2019-04 Fields & Parks Management Program be approved;
    3. AND THAT the 2025 grant funding calculations presented in Report CDP-19-2024, totalling $338,140 and representing an increase of $73,010 or 27.5% over 2024 grants, be incorporated into the 2025 Draft Tax Supported Operating Budget.
  • Recommendation7
    Moved By:Councillor Patterson
    Seconded By:Mayor Bentley
    1. THAT Report CDS-07-2024 Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund – Recommended Application, be received;
    2. AND THAT an application be submitted to the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund grant program in support of the Hagersville Active Living Centre project.

Councillor Lawrence, Vice-Chair of Public Works Operations, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Councillor Metcalfe, Chair of Engineering and Capital Works, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Council asked questions and received answers from staff regarding current regulations related to parking of recreational vehicles.

R. Charlton, Manager, Building & Municipal Enforcement Services provided clarification regarding the recommended by-law amendment.

  • Recommendation8
    Moved By:Mayor Bentley
    Seconded By:Councillor Patterson
    1. THAT Report ENG-12-2024 Parking Control By-law Amendment, Recreational Vehicles be received;
    2. AND THAT Haldimand County Parking Control By-law 307/02, Section 9 Parking Prohibited, be amended as outlined in Report ENG-12-2024;
    3. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report ENG-12-2024 be approved at a future Council meeting.

Mayor Bentley, Vice-Chair of Financial and Data Services, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

Councillor Shirton, Chair of Corporate and Social Services, assumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

A. Moore, Administrator, Grandview Lodge provided an overview of the report.

Council asked questions and received answers regarding the quality of the Wi-Fi at Grandview, and on efforts to further utilize the Grandview Lodge accessible vehicle.

  • Recommendation9
    Moved By:Councillor Patterson
    Seconded By:Councillor Lawrence

    THAT Report GVL-04-2024 Grandview Lodge Ministry of Long-Term Care Funding be received.


K. Meyer, Manager, Human Resources responded to questions from Council regarding eligibility for WSIB claims and the processes in place to respond to claims.

  • Recommendation10
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe

    THAT Report HRD-05-2024 Workplace Safety and Insurance Board - Presumptive Legislation Update be received.



Mayor Bentley called a recess at 10:53 a.m.

Council resumed at 11:02 a.m.

E. Haase, Project Manager, Communications presented the report.

Council asked questions and received answers regarding timeline and strategy for the implementation of the new website.

  • Recommendation11
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe
    1. THAT Report CEC-05-2024 Website Redesign Project Update and Governance Strategy be received;
    2. AND THAT Policy 2002-04 Corporate Web Presence be rescinded;
    3. AND THAT the draft Web Governance Policy, as attached to this report, be approved;
    4. AND THAT the Information Technology Governance Steering Committee be provided delegated authority to approve the Haldimand County Web Governance Guide as updates are required;
    5. AND THAT a new staffing initiative in the amount of $134,700 be approved and included in the 2025 Tax-Supported Operating Budget to fund the additional FTE staffing requirement within the Customer Experience and Communications division to support communications activities including management and oversight of the website;
    6. AND THAT capital purchases in the amount of $5,000 related to new technology for the above FTE staffing initiative be approved;
    7. AND THAT a staffing initiative in the amount of $22,590 be approved and included in the 2025 Tax-Supported Operating Budget to fund the additional 0.31 FTE staffing requirement to change the Accessibility Coordinator to a permanent full-time position to provide additional organizational support to maintain an accessible website.

Departmental Staff Reports


Mayor Bentley, Chair of Corporate Affairs, resumed the Chair for this portion of the meeting.

  • Recommendation12
    Moved By:Councillor Lawrence
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe
    1. THAT Report CLE-13-2024 Council Appointments as of November 15, 2024 be received;
    2. AND THAT Councillor Patterson be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the period from November 15, 2024 to November 14, 2025;
    3. AND THAT the following appointments for Chairs and Vice Chairs for the Business Divisions of Council in Committee for Haldimand County be made for the period from November 15, 2024 to November 14, 2025:



    Vice Chair

    Public Meeting for Planning Applications

    Councillor Patterson

    Mayor Bentley

    Community & Development Services

    Councillor Lawrence

    Councillor Shirton

    Public Works Operations

    Councillor Trainer

    Councillor Patterson

    Engineering & Capital Works

    Councillor Metcalfe

    Councillor Lawrence

    Financial & Data Services

    Councillor O'Neill

    Councillor Trainer

    Corporate & Social Services

    Councillor Shirton

    Councillor O'Neill

    Corporate Affairs

    Mayor Bentley

    Councillor Metcalfe

          4. AND THAT the by-law attached to Report CLE-13-2024 to appoint the Deputy Mayor be approved at a future Council meeting.



Mayor Bentley called for a recess at 11:59 a.m.

Council resumed at 1:00 p.m.

Councillor O'Neill joined the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

K Franklin, Manager, Engineering Services introduced the report.

J. VanRooy, Project Manager, Municipal Drains provided background and context for the report.

B. Widner, Associate, Spriet Associates Engineers & Architects presented the report.

Council asked questions and received answers from the consultant on the following:

  • Whether the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) had explored options outside the Drainage Act; and
  • What has changed in the area to make drainage currently an issue.

Council asked questions and received answers from the staff on the following:

  • Why the MTO is not responsible for the entire cost of the drain;
  • Clarification regarding the Drainage Act and how petitions work;
  • Options for Council as far as decisions and next steps;
  • How the drain course is determined;
  • The effect of any of the non-MTO petitioners removing their names from the petition;
  • How drainage cost estimates are determined, and how concerns with allocation of those costs are addressed;
  • Whether there were other options to address the drainage issue that were less costly/invasive; and
  • Options offered by Haldimand County to assist residents in paying for their assessment.

M. VanderKamp, resident, spoke to signing the petition only for the purpose of determining the watercourse across his property. They discussed the minimal benefit and extreme financial hardship that would be created by the drain construction and maintenance.

H. Benemeer, speaking on behalf of R. Ruigrok, resident, spoke to concerns regarding the assessment regarding required replacement of existing culverts, the mill rate for the land and changes to runoff rates. They discussed reasons why the MTO may be unable to pursue other drainage options.

L. Jackson, resident, spoke to the need for improved drainage in the area, and concerns for whether the planned drainage works would address the drainage issues surrounding the intersection at Highway 56 and Highway 3.

M. Lingan, resident, spoke to water issues on their property they had addressed with drainage, and asked questions and received answers from staff regarding whether there was financial assistance available from Haldimand County to pay their assessment.

The MTO provided a written review of the plan requesting additional review of the engineers report in regards to: 

  • Required environmental investigations of MTO lands;
  • The status of an existing Culvert across Highway 3; and
  • Lack of clarity regarding discharge of water from the intersection of Highway 56 and Highway 3 to the drain.

There being no one else present to speak either for or against this petition, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation:

  • Recommendation13
    Moved By:Councillor Patterson
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe

    THAT Council refer the Engineers Report for the Construction of the Canfield Municipal Drain back to the Engineer to review comments received from the Ministry of Transportation and members of the public at the October 8, 2024, Council in Committee meeting.


Mayor Bentley requested a motion be moved by Council to waive the notice provision of the Procedure By-law to reconsider a motion related to Haldimand County Council directing staff to advise the Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for Haldimand-Norfolk that the Haldimand County delegations with Provincial Government Ministries at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario are considered private, and that Council is not inviting the MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk attend these delegations. The motion was not moved or seconded.

The following items were highlighted:

  • Upcoming meeting October 22 at the Nanticoke Hall regarding the expansion of the Stelco Quarry;
  • Dunnville Business Improvement Area (BIA) is currently running a survey regarding their expansion;
  • Fire prevention week October 6-12; and;
  • Resident Satisfaction Survey is available online October 7-14.
  • Recommendation14
    Moved By:Councillor Shirton
    Seconded By:Councillor Metcalfe

    THAT this meeting is now adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

No Item Selected