K Franklin, Manager, Engineering Services introduced the report.
J. VanRooy, Project Manager, Municipal Drains provided background and context for the report.
B. Widner, Associate, Spriet Associates Engineers & Architects presented the report.
Council asked questions and received answers from the consultant on the following:
- Whether the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) had explored options outside the Drainage Act; and
- What has changed in the area to make drainage currently an issue.
Council asked questions and received answers from the staff on the following:
- Why the MTO is not responsible for the entire cost of the drain;
- Clarification regarding the Drainage Act and how petitions work;
- Options for Council as far as decisions and next steps;
- How the drain course is determined;
- The effect of any of the non-MTO petitioners removing their names from the petition;
- How drainage cost estimates are determined, and how concerns with allocation of those costs are addressed;
- Whether there were other options to address the drainage issue that were less costly/invasive; and
- Options offered by Haldimand County to assist residents in paying for their assessment.
M. VanderKamp, resident, spoke to signing the petition only for the purpose of determining the watercourse across his property. They discussed the minimal benefit and extreme financial hardship that would be created by the drain construction and maintenance.
H. Benemeer, speaking on behalf of R. Ruigrok, resident, spoke to concerns regarding the assessment regarding required replacement of existing culverts, the mill rate for the land and changes to runoff rates. They discussed reasons why the MTO may be unable to pursue other drainage options.
L. Jackson, resident, spoke to the need for improved drainage in the area, and concerns for whether the planned drainage works would address the drainage issues surrounding the intersection at Highway 56 and Highway 3.
M. Lingan, resident, spoke to water issues on their property they had addressed with drainage, and asked questions and received answers from staff regarding whether there was financial assistance available from Haldimand County to pay their assessment.
The MTO provided a written review of the plan requesting additional review of the engineers report in regards to:
- Required environmental investigations of MTO lands;
- The status of an existing Culvert across Highway 3; and
- Lack of clarity regarding discharge of water from the intersection of Highway 56 and Highway 3 to the drain.
There being no one else present to speak either for or against this petition, deliberations concluded with the introduction of the following recommendation: