THE CORPORATION OF HALDIMAND COUNTYCOUNCIL AGENDAMeeting #:Date:Friday, August 14, 2026Time: 6:00 P.m. - 7:30 P.m.Location:Haldimand County Administration Building - Council ChambersA.Call to Order B.Moment of Reflection C.Land Acknowledgement D.Roll Call E.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest F.Approval of Previous Council Meeting Minutes 1.Council Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [insert date] Council meeting be adopted as circulated2.Closed Session - Council Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the Closed Session of the [insert date] Council meeting be adopted as circulated and remain confidential.G.Presentations of Recognition H.Delegations 1.eSCRIBE Software Presentation Presentation by Liza CrowderI.Approval of Committee Minutes (NOTE: If any member wishes to deal with any resolution separately, please notify the Clerk by noon on the meeting day.)1.Council in Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [insert date] Council in Committee meeting be adopted as circulated.2.Closed Session - Council in Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the Closed Session of the [insert date] Council in Committee meeting be adopted as circulated and remain confidential.3.Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting be received.4.Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes- DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting be received.5.Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee Minutes- DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Business Development and Planning Advisory Committee meeting be received.6.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting be received.7.Heritage Haldimand Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Heritage Haldimand meeting be received.8.Museums Advisory Board Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Museums Advisory Board meeting be received.9.O.P.P. Detachment Board Minutes THAT the minutes of the ____________ O.P.P. Detachment Board minutes be received.10.Seniors Advisory Committee MInutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Seniors Advisory Committee meeting be received.11.Trails Advisory Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Trails Advisory Committee meeting be received.12.Youth Advisory Committee Minutes - DATE THAT the minutes of the [meeting date] Youth Advisory Committee meeting be received.J.Unfinished Business 1.Engineering Report ENG 2026-04 Re: Caledonia BridgeRecommendationTHAT Council receive this report for information.2.Recreation User Fees 2026 - CDP 2026-01 THAT Council approves increasing fees by 3%.3.Information Technology Report FDS 2026-10 THAT Council approve purchasing new computers for all staff.K.New Business 1.Council Information Package (if required) L.By-laws (NOTE: If any member wishes to deal with any by-law separately, please notify the Clerk by noon on the meeting day.)THAT By-laws 1 to __, as listed, be enacted.M.Notices of Motion N.Announcements, Reports from Council Appointees to Boards and Committees O.Closed Session THAT pursuant to Section 239 (2)(__) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council convene in a meeting at ______ p.m. closed to the public to discuss:P.Motions Arising from Closed Session Q.Motion of Receipt R.Confirming By-law Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of Haldimand CountyTHAT the Confirmation By-law for the _______ Council meeting be enacted.S.Adjournment THAT this meeting is now adjourned at __________ p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.