Meeting #:
Haldimand County Administration Building - Council Chambers

  • THAT Report CLE-20-2024 Declaration of Vacant Council Seat be received;

    AND THAT Council declare a vacancy of the Council seat for Ward 1.

C. Case, Chief Administrative Officer

  • THAT the 2025 Draft Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Operating Budget and Capital Forecast be received;

    AND THAT the 2025 Rate Supported Water Operating Budget be approved, with a net revenue requirement from user rates of $8,982,040;

    AND THAT the 2025 Rate Supported Wastewater Operating Budget be approved, with a net revenue requirement from user rates of $8,142,900;

    AND THAT any 2025 rate supported net operating surpluses/deficits be contributed to or from the Water or Sewer Rate Stabilization Reserves, to a maximum reserve balance of 25% of applicable rate revenue, with amounts exceeding 25% for four years in a row  contributed to the applicable Capital Replacement Reserve Fund;

    AND THAT the appropriate by-laws be passed to reflect changes in User Fees and Miscellaneous Charges, as identified in the 2025 Draft Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Operating Budget and Capital Forecast, effective January 1, 2025;

    AND THAT the budgets and related financing be approved for the proposed 2025 water and wastewater capital expenditures, in the amount of $11,578,930 with projected debenture financing of $0;

    AND THAT the Capital Forecast for Rate Supported Services, for the years 2025 to 2034 be approved in principle, in the amount of $157,472,720 with projected debenture financing of $0;

    AND THAT Development Related Debt be issued on existing and future projects as outlined in the 2025 Draft Rate Supported Water and Wastewater Operating Budget and Capital Forecast;

    AND THAT Council approves the Reserve Transfers as outlined in the approved budget document.

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council of The Corporation of Haldimand County

  • THAT the Confirmation By-law for the December 5, 2024 Special Council meeting be enacted.

  • THAT this meeting is now adjourned at __________ p.m.